Gain a competitive advantage

Strengthen your team by hiring Veterans via BuildEm

They are problem-solvers who are adaptable, enthusiastic, and motivated. Their service has shaped them to understand how to take direction, how to be mentored, and how to be productive in a team environment. They understand that training is a process and that it takes effort and work to master a skill with the right experience to keep your projects on track!

Enhance Your Team

Discipline, punctuality, precision, toughness, and accuracy are Veteran hallmarks.

Quick and Easy

Connect with motivated Veterans quickly and simplify your project completion.

Flat Rate

BuildEm’s services are applied as a flat fee, not a percentage of the salary. 

Build Your Team

Veterans Inspire the Best from Others

Veterans expertly work in high-paced, dynamic teams. When the mission requires independence, Veterans are trained to quickly identify the goals and requirements from their leaders and complete tasks without direct supervision. Other team members draw inspiration from this can-do attitude and seek to emulate their performance. 


Create Your Account

Post your position(s).

Receive Matches

Veterans select the position, so you know they are interested in the position and your company.

Select Your Right Fit

Interview and make the offer.


“An oftentimes untapped, overlooked resource by business owners, Veterans bring an overabundance of skills to the workplace. After being instilled with a strict regimen and training while in the military, Veterans have the necessary skills to become invaluable employees.”

Dennis Yung, Executive Vice President at Skanska USA Building


I have additional questions, how can I get help?

Email or call and we would be happy to answer any question you might have

Can I post a position that needs to be filled later?

Yes! We are connecting companies willing to train Veterans who are completing their active duty service. These Veterans have a completion of service date within the next 12 months and we are happy to fill positions in advance of your actual start date. If you know you will need to fill a position, or positions, in the next 12 months, you can post the job(s) now and we can connect you with Veterans who will complete their service before your start date. This can alleviate some of the stress for companies who know they need to onboard new employees throughout the year and worry about missing deadlines

Will BuildEm provide a resume for each candidate?

No. As a company founded by Veterans, we understand that service provides vast benefits to employers independent of the job performed in the military. Many Veterans chose to serve their country and accept a military job from a list available to them at the time of their enlistment. They are part of a world class institution that instills discipline, punctuality, precision, and accuracy in all aspects of their daily life. These are of greater importance to a company rather than the actual job performed in the military. Since military service is a foundational experience, we also find it less important what a Veteran did either before or after their service was completed

Will I need to pay a Veteran more than a civilian?

Pay and cost are separate considerations. Paying a Veteran more will attract the best talent. Veterans have a proven track record of integrating into new situations, units, and commands while learning new skills and taking responsibility for their assignments. While you may consider paying a Veteran more, the cost to your business will likely be less in the long run

Veterans bring experience beyond the position I am hiring, what should the pay scale be?

If you are uncertain what the pay range should be, BuildEm can provide you with guidance in your area, based on reported averages and expected salaries

Why are BuildEm fees lower than other similar companies?

We would rather have the Veteran maximize their pay, not ours

When does BuildEm invoice for their services?

The fees are applied only when you start your hiring process. We invoice half when interviews are scheduled and complete the invoicing when an offer is accepted

Why does BuildEm charge a flat rate, rather than a percentage of the salary?

We want to focus on results for all employers and not simply the highest paying positions. Every training opportunity is important, especially to you

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